One-on-one Work

  • Short-term for emergencies, or ongoing to maintain content mastery

  • Ideal for students who need remedial work, or for whatever reason do better one-on-one

  • Akin to a personal trainer, who can create a plan specific to individual needs and oversee progress

Virtual Study Groups

  • Designed to be regular and ongoing, meeting five days a week

  • The goal is to complete the homework with 100% understanding

  • Can act as a replacement for class time, if student misses class for any reason

  • Offering all levels of Math, Chem/Physics, and Writing Support

  • Akin to a group exercise class, with small group size to maintain some personal attention

  • Ideal for students who need help staying on top of a challenging class

The virtual group work came about as a response to a common situation.

Very often, I’ll be sitting with a Math student, and I’ll realize that they only need me in specific moments.

They’ll be doing problems, and they’ll hit a block — “how do I do this?” And I can immediately make the right intervention to get them back on track.

The challenge is, if that’s all I’m doing… then one-on-one work might be overkill. I mean, don’t get me wrong — if a family wants that level of hand-holding, I’m happy to serve.

The good news is, I can do that for ten students at the same time: I can deliver the curriculum, guide them through the problem types, and be available on-demand for momentary adjustments. Instead of struggling through the homework alone, they’re being guided through it by a professional in a small group.

And for the student who needs that, it’d be even better than one-on-one work! As students get to know each other, we create a network of support and encouragement. There will be space to share content, encouragement, study groups, all of that good stuff.

In this way, I could deliver the regular scheduled consistency that so many students need (plus so much more!) at a fraction of the cost of one-on-one work.

Have you ever taken an exercise class?

Going through the same physical challenges in a group can serve as a huge source of motivation and consistency. If you keep attending, you’ll get to know people, and suddenly if you’re thinking of skipping, there’s other people who might notice.

That’s what these group sessions are meant to be — regular, curricular exercise classes.

However, some people — due to scheduling, specific needs, or other reasons — would prefer to work with a personal trainer. With that, they get a much more custom-tailored experience. The trainer can work around any physical challenges, provide more and more specific adjustments, and design a plan around the needs of that person.

Our one-on-one work is best for students who have above-normal needs.

For instance, I’m currently doing Math with a 5th grade girl who tested at a 3rd grade level.

After two sessions, I had a very good idea of what she needed. I was able to build a plan: we revisited some earlier years’ material, created a core of mastery, and used that as a springboard to bring her up to speed. She’s currently plowing through 5th grade Math at a level that her parents didn’t even think was possible!

Those two services aren’t mutually exclusive; some students opt to take the recurring class and also supplement with one-on-one work.

That’s why I’d suggest to connect. Let’s have a conversation, and together I think we can hone in on a program that will allow your son or daughter to get up to speed and stay on top.

We’re currently accepting students for both Summer Algebra Intensives, as well as the Fall Class Support Groups.

How much of a relief would it be, if you knew that their most challenging class was completely handled? No more late assignments; no more freaking out before a critical exam — just smooth, consistent mastery.

Let’s make that happen!